المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : متعدد الحدود

28-03-2006, 14:30
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In mathematics, a polynomial is an expression in which constants and variables are combined using only addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Thus,

a polynomial

A polynomial function is a function defined by evaluating a polynomial. Polynomial functions are an important class of smooth functions; smooth meaning that they are infinitely differentiable, i.e., they have derivatives of all finite orders.

Because of their simple structure, polynomials are easy to evaluate, and are used extensively in numerical analysis for polynomial interpolation or to numerically integrate more complex functions

28-03-2006, 14:31
كثيرة الحدود في الارياضيات

28-03-2006, 14:32
كثيرة الحدود

28-03-2006, 14:34
ضع الرسالة الناتجه عن ضغط الزر مثل شرح او رساله او تعليق الخ

نوويه 1
28-03-2006, 15:13
لم يظهر لدي سوى الشرح باللغة الإنجليزيه

فهمت منه شرح لطريقة حل كثيرة الحدود

لكن لا يوجد ما ذكرت من زر أو رسالة
