27-06-2007, 16:43
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2006
الدولة: مكة المكرمة
المشاركات: 14,476
رد: قاموس المصطلحات الفيزيائية ( عربي - إنجليزي )
Balanced Forces
When a number of forces act on a body simultaneously and the resultant of these forces is zero then the forces are said to be balanced.
قوى متزنة
Bernoulli"s equation
As the speed of a moving fluid increases, its pressure decreases.
معادلة برنولي
bernoulli's principle
the change in pressure produced when a fluid is accelerated when it is forced into a narrow space; it must accelerate if the rate of flow is to remain the same (as it must). According to Newton's second law, this acceleration means there must be a force; this comes from the difference in pressure caused by the fluid accelerating. The pressure is lower in the area where the fluid is moving faster.
مبدأ برنولي
ينص على أنه عندما يتدفق مائع ما بسلاسة فإن زيادة
سرعة التدفق يصاحبها انخفاض في الضغط.
Binding Energy
طاقة التَّرابُط
الطاقة اللازمة لتفكيك نُوَيْدَةٍ إلى بروتُونات ونيوُترونات
البيولوجية الالكترونيه
biot-savarts law
a small part of a wire of length [IMG]file:///E:/Images/17.jpg[/IMG]l carrying a current 1 at a distance r from some point P, causes a small part of the magnetic field at P.
قانون "بَيُو - سافار"
يحدد شدة المجال المغنطيسي الناتج عن سلك يمر فيه تيار كهربائي
Black Hole
A region of space where the density is so great that the speed of light is not sufficient to escape, hence nothing can escape a black hole.. A Black Hole Is A Theoretical Phonomenon That Occurs When Enough Mass Inhabits A Specific Part Of Space Time That It's Gravitational Force Becomes Strong Enough To Trap Light Itself and Any Other Matter.. General theory of relativity says that curvature around any massive object in 4D is proportional to its mass energy. The point in space-time where this curvature is ideally infinite is called Black hole..
ثقب أسود
going up and down .
boyle's law
for a fixed mass of gas at a fixed temperature, the pressure of the gas will be inversely proportional to its volume
قانون "بُويْل"
يتناسب حجم الكتلة الثابتة من الغاز عكسيا مع الضغط بثبوت الحرارة
breaking distance
It is the distance travelled by a car after the breaks are applied until it comes to a stop .
مسافة الفرملة
the measure of the amount by which a body tends to float
مقياس دفع المائع على جسم مغمور فيه أو طافياً عليه
buoyant force
upward force on an object immersed in fluid.
قوة الطفو
القوة الرأسية إلى أعلى، والتي يبذلها السائل على جسم مغمور فيه كليا أو جزئيا.