ملتقى الفيزيائيين العرب - عرض مشاركة واحدة - كتاب Electricity and Magnetism
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 28-08-2007, 23:48
الصورة الرمزية kingstars18
غير متواجد
المُراقب العام والمُستشار القانوني
المشرف على الدورة الثانية لتعليم الفيزياء
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2006
المشاركات: 12,853
افتراضي كتاب Electricity and Magnetism

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أقدم لكم

هذا الكتاب

Electricity and Magnetism

محتويات الكتاب

1 Electricity and the Atom
1.1 The Quest for the Atomic Force
1.2 Charge, Electricity and Magnetism
1.3 Atoms
1.4 Quantization of Charge
1.5 The Electron
1.6 The Raisin Cookie Model of the Atom
Homework Problems

2 The Nucleus
2.1 Radioactivity
2.2 The Planetary Model of the Atom
2.3 Atomic Number
2.4 The Structure of Nuclei
2.5 The Strong Nuclear Force, Alpha Decay and Fission
2.6 The Weak Nuclear Force; Beta Decay
2.7 Fusion
2.8 Nuclear Energy and Binding Energies
2.9 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
2.10* The Creation of the Elements
Homework Problems

3 Circuits, Part 1
3.1 Current
3.2 Circuits
3.3 Voltage
3.4 Resistance
3.5 Current-Conducting Properties of Materials
3.6∫ Applications of Calculus
Homework Problems

4 Circuits, Part 2
4.1 Schematics
4.2 Parallel Resistances and the Junction Rule
4.3 Series Resistances
Homework Problems

5 Fields of Force
5.1 Why Fields?
5.2 The Gravitational Field
5.3 The Electric Field
5.4∫ Voltage for Nonuniform Electric Fields
Homework Problems 15

6 Electromagnetism
6.1 The Magnetic Field
6.2* Calculating Magnetic Fields and Forces
6.3 Induction
6.4 Electromagnetic Waves
6.5 Calculating Energy in Fields
6.6* Symmetry and Handedness

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