ملتقى الفيزيائيين العرب > منتديات أقسام الفيزياء > منتدى الميكانيكا الكلاسيكية. | ||
اللي يعرف الحل ياليت مايبخل علينا |
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اللي يعرف الحل ياليت مايبخل علينا
A cube of lead (Pb) with dimensions I cm on an edge is dropped into a large cubic container of mercury (Hg) which is of dimensions 1 cm on an edge
1-After steady-state is reached, it will float or stay at the bottom of the below the surface? 2-Determine the distance below the surface that the lead cube sinks into the Hg 3-If the cube is pressed down an infinitesimal distance further by a small externally applied force and then let go, show that the cube undergoes simple harmonic motion as a result of this action, and in the absence of any viscous damping determine the period and the frequency of this simple harmonic motion 4- Imagine that this mechanically vibrating system, which produces acoustic waves in the fluid, is now attached to an electromagnetic resonator in order to produce resonance electromagnetic waves. In what region of the EM spectrum would these EM waves lie? 5-Sketch and explain the design of a detection system for these EM waves |
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لا تنسَ ذكر الله والصلاة على حبيب الله |
اضغط على الصورة والرابط
يوجد جزء من الحل
لا تنسَ ذكر الله والصلاة على حبيب الله |
يوجد جزء من الحل
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |
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