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3- A gas undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of the following process:
Process 1-2 isothermal expansion from condition 1 to V 2 = 0.103 rrr', P2 = 1.4 bar and W1•2 = 18.8 kJ. Process 2-3 constant pressure proe�_s� Process 3-1 constant volume process with U1 - U3 = 26.4 kJ. Neglect the change in kinetic energy and potenial energy. a) Sketch the cycle on P-V diagram. · b) C�lculate the net work 'done for _each process and for the cycle� c)'Calculat�'#ie heattransfer for each process (8 marks) i . .. . .. التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة im alive ; 27-12-2016 الساعة 18:01 |
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